To me, photography is a way to explore the world and myself.
Photographs are personal expressions which bring joy in the making and in the sharing with others.
Really "seeing" things is vital to photographer and photographs are a way of preserving what we see.
It is a chance to recapture the profound sense of excitement, the magic of living
Which we felt so keenly as children.
You don't "take" pictures. You do far more than that.
You become involved with what you are photographing and think about what you are doing.
I prefer the term "make pictures" because people who love photography don't simply lift a camera to their eye and press the shutter.
I'm not certain anybody has ever created anything with a camera.
Perhaps it is more accurate to say that God creates, and that some human beings discover.
Discovery is not accidental.
It begins with things which matter to you.
And it ends with visual statements that express what matters to you about these things.
It is not sight the camera satisfies so thoroughly, but the mind.
Simply stated, photography is taking pictures.
But more than that, it involves the eye and the soul of the photographer
Using a mechanical tool to record both a physical reality and an inner reality.
Photographs are personal expressions which bring joy in the making and in the sharing with others.
Really "seeing" things is vital to photographer and photographs are a way of preserving what we see.
It is a chance to recapture the profound sense of excitement, the magic of living
Which we felt so keenly as children.
You don't "take" pictures. You do far more than that.
You become involved with what you are photographing and think about what you are doing.
I prefer the term "make pictures" because people who love photography don't simply lift a camera to their eye and press the shutter.
I'm not certain anybody has ever created anything with a camera.
Perhaps it is more accurate to say that God creates, and that some human beings discover.
Discovery is not accidental.
It begins with things which matter to you.
And it ends with visual statements that express what matters to you about these things.
It is not sight the camera satisfies so thoroughly, but the mind.
Simply stated, photography is taking pictures.
But more than that, it involves the eye and the soul of the photographer
Using a mechanical tool to record both a physical reality and an inner reality.